Voqal Partners


Not sure if you want to ride with us? Wondering who the heck we are? Buckle up because we’ve got a story as twisted as a rollercoaster ride through a fun house. We are the fearless force for good today because of those turns. Read on for all the details of our history, our origin, and our team.


The Beginning
We began our journey in 1983 as five nonprofits focused on utilizing technology to enhance educational opportunities. We worked together but held our own Federal Communications Commission (FCC) licenses to acquire and utilize a band of educational broadband service (EBS) spectrum set aside for educational purposes.

The Early Programming
For nearly two decades, while separate entities, we carried out our missions as if one under the banner of Voqal. Since the spectrum allows information, such as data or sound, to be transmitted via radio waves, we used our pieces of the EBS spectrum to provide public radio to communities and educational programming to schools.

The Technological Evolution

However, the landscape of telecommunications evolved rapidly. Thanks to advancements in technology, what was used in the 80s and 90s for radio and television could now be used to send emails, talk and text on a cell phone, and surf the internet. We knew the spectrum would be critical for next-generation mobile operations, and so did the FCC.

The Regulatory Shift
The FCC revised its regulations, no longer mandating that the EBS spectrum be exclusively dedicated to educational use. This pivotal shift presented us with new opportunities, a world of possibilities to generate public resources. Recognizing the potential, we transitioned our approach, leasing the spectrum to cell phone companies.

The Growth Phase
Yes, we turned to the commercial side. But by leasing the spectrum, we generated royalties to fund our operations and programs. With this newfound source of capital, we could increase our impact on working with communities.

The Program Expansion
With the resources garnered by the spectrum leasing agreements, the nonprofits continued to support educational institutions by providing affordable internet to schools, libraries, and nonprofits, and also established a grantmaking program, a fellowship program, and an impact investment program.


Breaking Illusions  
We’ll continue the story in 2021. Around this time, massive inconsistencies between our espoused values and actual behaviors became apparent. A fearless faction of the board could no longer ignore the cracks in the castle’s façade. They were determined to free the organization of shenanigans going on behind the scenes.

Unveiling Truths
What shenanigans? We were a paternalistic organization that thought it had all the answers. A powerful few would judge others from their throne yet consciously avoid acknowledging our own flaws. We were tied up in a lawsuit like a spider caught in its web. Our budget deficit could rival the national debt (okay, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration, but you get the picture). We would toss breadcrumbs to good communities and pat ourselves on the back for our generosity. But let’s be real, they should have had the whole damn loaf. And those breadcrumbs were just a distraction, window dressing to keep everyone’s eyes off the real antics.

Escalating Chaos
The change agents on the board knew it was time for a strategic shift. They took bold steps to shake us out of our ivory tower mindset with a new dream for the organization, a dream that embraced liberation for all and rejected token gestures. But Obstructionists, resistant to change like a cat to a bath, dug in their heels deeper than a tick on a hound. They sabotaged, undermined, and backstabbed like disgruntled minions plotting against their overload to prevent this new shift from taking hold.

But wait, it gets better (or worse, depending on your perspective).

Battling for Change
Cue the epic battle royale of philanthropic proportions! Two camps debating on the stage of corporate governance in a showdown of ideologies. Accusations were thrown like confetti, threats flew like newly released birds, friendships shattered like glass, and collaborations fell like a house of cards. We had 99 problems, and almost all of them boiled down to one: people in power wanting to stay large and in charge.

Persevering in Struggle
Did our change champions back down? Did they retreat into the shadows, tails between their legs? Absolutely not! They remained steadfast in their vision and values, rejecting the forces of status quo, power hoarding, and fake equity with the ferociousness of a mama bear protecting her cubs. They expertly sidestepped and swatted down the Obstructions’ exploits.

Defying the Status Quo
Lo and behold, after a couple of long, arduous years of blood, sweat, and paperwork, a weary and scarred victor rose from the ashes like a phoenix, this time with a serious attitude problem. We shook off the bureaucracy that held us back and stepped into a place of action. Our new leadership, a reinvigorated board, and an aligned staff recommitted to equity, integrity, and mission fulfillment.

Dawning with Renewed Hope
We’ve been through a lot to get where we are today, just like so many of you on the front lines. We want you to know that there’s light at the end of the tunnel and it is not a train. It is a beacon of possibility. So, please know that you’re not alone, friend. We see you. We appreciate you.

Coming of (an Awesome) Age
Yes, it was hell. Yes, we lost half the company in the process. But what emerged from the ashes was something truly remarkable. Voqal Partners. A unified, sassier, snappier social justice team dedicated to funding equitable change, championing community voices, and making the world a better, liberated place.

The Team

The Voqal team is shown on a stage with different groups of people necessary to create beautiful, harmonious music.

We believe true power lies not in solo performances but in synchronizing efforts toward a common goal. In our ensemble, everybody is a vital element of our collective melody, as outlined below. Meet our players, including our favorite songs about change, on our team page.

Our board amplifies the voice of the community, making sure we are listening to and taking direction from the community.

Our program team orchestrates initiatives that resonate with purpose.

Box Office
Our finance team serves as our box office, ensuring the smooth flow of resources.

Our executive team conducts the symphony of change and harmonizes the efforts of everyone.

Our partners march alongside us, creating a formidable coalition and presenting a united force.

Our communications team sings our message and belts out tunes of awareness and advocacy.

Stage Managers
Our administrative team keeps everything running smoothly behind-the-scenes.

And the true stars of the show and architects of change are the communities we serve. They are the heart and soul of everything we do, the driving force behind every chord we strike and every beat we play.