Voqal Partners


2016 fellows

Members of the first official cohort, the 2016 Fellows uplift people’s power in building a liberated future. These leaders know how stories and platforms can unite the community to enact bold, systemic change. 













learn more about their badass, beautiful visions.

Andrea hart (SHE/HEr)
City Bureau | Kaskaskia Territory

Andrea’s City Bureau’s Community Data Project creates a workspace/pipeline for residents to identify and compile new data sets to conduct civic investigations. Andrea is a multimedia journalist and interdisciplinary educator who has presented her work at Digital Media Learning conferences and Mozfest. 

Bhavik Lathia (HE/Him)
People's Relationship Management | Memphis, TN

Bhavik’s project, People’s Relationship Management, is a mobile campaigning CRM developed closely with Jhatkaa, an Indian rapid-response digital campaigning organization. Bhavik is a campaign strategist and technologist. He got his start in progressive netroots with labor unions and other change organizations.

Eric shih (HE/HIM)
Spendrise | Ohlone Territory

Eric’s project, Spendrise, is a platform for launching online petitions wherever people spend money using an all-or-nothing crowdfunding engine and user interface. Previously, Eric worked with a nonprofit social enterprise that utilized community purchasing power to expand equity and access in the clean energy economy. He was also a community organizer who worked to improve environmental health and working conditions for low-income immigrant families.

HLEE lee-kron (SHE/HER)
Mix It Up: Diversity in the Workplace | 
Wahpekute Territory

Hlee’s project, Mix It Up: Diversity in the Workplace, is a collection of web tools that present real-life experiences to provide an in-depth understanding of what people of color face daily. Here is a photographer, communications professional, and production specialist passionate about telling community-based stories with a global twist. Hlee has more than ten years of experience working with nonprofits and storytelling.

laurel wamsley (SHE/HER)
How to Save Your Own City Podcast | 
Nacotchtank Territory

How to Save Your Own City is a podcast that empowers citizens to discover and share what they can do to create the cities they want to live in. Laurel is a journalist who has worked at technology companies. Her interests include cities, design, and soccer.

Marquis Cabrera (HE/HIM)
RateMyFosterHome.Com | Pawtucket Territory

Marquis’ project, RateMyFosterHome.com, is a web-based tool for state governments—specifically, social workers and their supervisors—to enhance and support the foster-care process. Marquis is a tech entrepreneur pursuing a career in the health and human services field. He is passionate about technological social innovation.